Tania Amar: Recognized among the 10 Promising Businesswomen to Watch, 2023

Empowering Businesses for next stage growth

Are you looking for a passionate and dedicated professional who can help your business exceed its goals? Meet Tania Amar, the co-founder and CEO of CXP Consulting. With a unique blend of expertise in StoryTelling, StorySelling, and business consulting, Tania has built a reputation for generating valuable outcomes and moving the needle for her clients.

A Commitment to Impact

Tania’s natural inclination towards forging deep and meaningful connections with others extends to both her professional and personal life. As the CEO of CXP Consulting, she is deeply committed to helping her clients accomplish their business goals and create a lasting impact. Tania’s passion for positively impacting people also finds expression in her volunteer work as a board member of Gvahim, an NGO that supports new immigrants. Through mentoring and guidance, she assists immigrants in navigating their career paths and finding their rightful workplace in their new homeland, drawing from her own experiences as an immigrant.

The Journey to Entrepreneurship

Tania’s entrepreneurial journey began during her time at a leading venture capital firm, JVP, where she provided support and guidance to emerging startups. It was here that she discovered her passion for assisting founders in crafting differentiated narratives during their early stages of development. In 2016, she took a leap of faith and established CXP Consulting, focusing specifically on the art of StoryTelling. Later, she was joined by Alon Laor, co-founder and B2B sales expert and a certified Negotiation Master from Harvard Business School , who brought invaluable expertise and introduced the unique concept of T.O.P. (Technics of Persuasion) to bolster the aspect of StorySelling. Together, they pride themselves on seamlessly integrating StoryTelling and StorySelling ,paving the path to market success for founders and CEOs.

“In both my professional and personal life, I am naturally inclined towards forging deep and meaningful relationships and I find immense satisfaction in positively impacting the people around me.”

Overcoming Challenges and Embracing Uniqueness

One of the significant challenges Tania faced in her career was adapting to a new culture, language, and business environment when she relocated from Paris to Tel Aviv. However, her ability to ascend to prominent positions was her lack of fixation on career progression, but rather concentrating on giving her very best at each step of the way. Embracing a mindset of continuous learning, adaptation, and gratitude for new opportunities were key to her success. Tania’s open-mindedness and willingness to absorb insights from her colleagues, employees, and bosses, combined with her unique personality and skills granted her a distinctive edge in the business world.

Goals and Strategies for Success

Tania has set her sights on combining her business objectives with her passion for travel, expanding CXP Consulting’s reach to international locations. By assisting businesses in discovering new growth opportunities beyond their local markets, she immerses herself in diverse and inspiring tech environments while exploring the world. To achieve this goal, Tania actively builds strategic partnerships with various players in international tech ecosystems, such as venture capitalists, incubators, and agencies. These collaborations are focused on mutual value creation to  accelerate portfolio companies’ growth.

Uniqueness in Approach and Maintaining the Competitive Edge

At CXP Consulting, the unique blend of seasoned marketing and sales experts sets them apart from others in the industry. These senior experts, including the co-founders themselves,  are personally involved in consulting projects from inception to detailed hands-on execution..

Additionally, the integration of StoryTelling and StorySelling through the T.O.P. framework is a distinctive offering. By leveraging neurolinguistics, body language analysis, behavioral cold reading, and objection handling techniques, CXP Consulting significantly improves communication effectiveness and influence power, leading to dramatic business impact.

Diversity and Inclusion: Shaping the Future of Work

Diversity and inclusion hold great importance for Tania, shaped by her own experiences as an immigrant. She believes that individuals who may not seem to fit the conventional checkboxes often bring incredible qualities and skills to the table that make a real difference. Tania actively promotes diversity and inclusion through her work as a business mentor and  a board member at Gvahim, advocating for the business value of international talents. Her commitment to understanding and appreciating diverse skills and perspectives is reflected in her own organization’s values.

“Our main differentiator at CXP Consulting is the blend of seasoned marketing and sales experts who are personally involved in the consulting projects from inception, strategy to detailed hands-on execution.”

Preparing for the Future: Embracing AI

Tania envisions the future of the consulting industry revolving around the widespread integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) across various domains. While AI presents opportunities to expedite results in certain areas, CXP Consulting maintains its competitive edge by focusing on areas where AI still falls short. The personal skills of innovation, creativity, and critical thinking, essential for strategy, StoryTelling, and StorySelling, are indispensable in supporting their clients’ growth.

Advice to Young Women: Embrace Your Unique Journey

For young women considering a career in business, Tania offers valuable advice. She emphasizes the importance of attitude and mindset, as they are just as vital as hard skills and hard work. Tania encourages self-awareness and understanding one’s communication style, work preferences, and motivators. She advises seeking mentorship, asking questions, and staying curious. Taking one step at a time, embracing the learning path, and being open to making pivots are all part of the exciting journey toward a successful career and life.

Tania Amar’s remarkable journey as a businesswoman, her commitment to impact, unique approach, and focus on diversity and inclusion make her an inspiring leader in the industry. With CXP Consulting, she continues to empower businesses create lasting positive change in the world of StoryTelling and StorySelling.

“Your attitude and mindset are as vital as your skills, experience, and hard work. People are drawn to positive, optimistic, and energetic individuals who bring their unique personalities and individualdrive.”
