Cristina Duta: Driving Innovation and Empowerment in Intelligent Automation

Cristina Duta, the Director of Intelligent Automation at AECOM, has a remarkable journey in the technology sector. Her fascination with technology led her to earn an MSc and a PhD in Computer Science. Over the past 12 years, she has built a diverse career across Telecom, Life Sciences, Banking, Financial Services, and Manufacturing industries. Cristina’s journey is marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence, curiosity, and resilience. While she doesn’t view herself as a market disruptor, Cristina’s career has been shaped by a constant desire to learn and innovate. Starting as a software developer, she pursued a master’s degree in parallel and distributed computer systems, followed by a PhD in security. These academic achievements laid the groundwork for her professional roles. Cristina has worked both as a consultant and an end client, gaining invaluable insights from each position. Her collaboration with brilliant minds has been a continuous source of inspiration. We at CIO Global, are proud to introduce Cristina Duta as one of the Business Geek Women Leaders to Watch, 2024.

Cristina believes in fostering a collaborative environment where innovation can thrive. Inspired by Steve Jobs’ quote, “The only way to do great work is to love what you do,” she finds passion in her roles and strives to push the boundaries of what’s possible in the industry. With the support of her colleagues and mentors, she aims to drive significant advancements in Intelligent Automation. Cristina’s current leadership role at AECOM is driven by her desire to challenge herself and make meaningful contributions. She believes in seizing opportunities for growth and exploring the impact of her work on those around her. Witnessing the transformative potential of Intelligent Automation inspired her to take on her current position. At AECOM, she leads projects that drive innovation and create impactful changes.

“Our legacy is not what we leave behind, but what we inspire in others to continue forward.”

Cristina brings a unique perspective to her industry by emphasizing the human element in technology. She believes in maintaining a holistic view that places humans at the center of digital transformation. Her approach focuses on the synergy between technology and people, fostering collaboration and ensuring sustainable and inclusive solutions. Cristina often says, “Technology is the tool, but people are the power.” Navigating challenges and setbacks is an integral part of Cristina’s journey. She views them as opportunities for growth and self-reflection. Each setback prompts the question, “What can we learn from this?” This mindset turns obstacles into valuable lessons. Cristina surrounds herself with a supportive network and encourages open communication within her team, fostering collective resilience.

To stay ahead of the competition, Cristina combines curiosity with proactive strategies. She continuously seeks to understand emerging trends and technologies, always asking, “What is next?” This forward-thinking approach keeps her and her team at the cutting edge. Investing in innovation and fostering a culture of continuous learning ensures competitiveness and readiness to lead. Cristina emphasizes the importance of staying updated and being open to change while focusing on the impact of new technologies.Top of Form Cristina has made a significant impact through her innovation and leadership. One of her most notable projects involved a major digital transformation. The success of this project was not just due to the technology used, but also the way the change management process was handled. Cristina set a strategy that aligned with organizational goals while prioritizing employees’ needs. By involving team members through open forums and workshops, she fostered a sense of ownership and engagement. The results were impressive: a 30% reduction in project turnaround time, improved team morale, and increased productivity. Employees felt empowered and integral to the transformation, leading to smoother implementation and better outcomes.

Diversity and inclusion are central to Cristina’s values. She advocates for inclusive hiring practices and promotes a culture of respect and collaboration. Cristina believes in the power of diverse thoughts and ideas. To support this, her organization implements mentoring and coaching programs, hosts events for relationship-building, and offers platforms for advice-seeking. They celebrate each person’s unique personality and educate their team about embracing their authentic selves. This approach empowers individuals and enriches the collective capabilities and growth of the organization.

Cristina advises aspiring women leaders to believe in their vision and stay resilient. She acknowledges that self-doubt is natural but encourages women to ask themselves, “What unique perspective do I bring?” Building a strong support network, seeking mentorship, and embracing continuous learning are key steps. Cristina emphasizes the importance of confidence and determination in challenging norms and pushing boundaries. She advises women to reframe their path with the mindset: “The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” Their unique perspective and determination are their greatest assets.

“Balance is not something you find; it’s something you create.”

Balancing professional success with personal well-being is something Cristina consciously works on. She has learned to manage her time better and set boundaries to ensure space for self-care and family. Cristina believes that balance is something you create. Engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation is essential for maintaining harmony between work and life. She incorporates simple habits like listening to podcasts while walking her dog or driving and practicing meditation. Additionally, her team has Fun Fridays to connect and build relationships. These practices contribute to maintaining a healthy work-life balance and fostering a supportive team environment. Cristina sees vast opportunities for growth and innovation in her industry, particularly with AI, edge computing, and other emerging technologies. She believes the key lies in how these technologies are leveraged. Creating a mindset and vision that drives innovation is crucial. With the rapid development of AI, the possibilities are limitless. Cristina emphasizes the importance of finding a niche where the organization can excel and focus on achieving excellence in that area. It’s not just about adopting the latest technologies but strategically integrating them to stand out and deliver exceptional value.

To drive business forward, Cristina leverages technology with a clear strategy, defined purpose, and a well-educated team. Her organization focuses on defining their “why” and setting up processes that support technological transformation. Flexibility and openness to suggestions are key when enhancing their technology stack. They take an outcome-based approach, starting with what they want to achieve and why it matters. Only then do they decide on the appropriate technology to implement. This method ensures that tech investments are aligned with strategic goals and deliver tangible results. By prioritizing outcomes and maintaining a strategic focus, Cristina maximizes the impact of technological advancements. Cristina takes immense pride in the evolution of the Federated Program aimed at empowering users and upskilling them in Intelligent Automation. This program involved coordinating participants from around the world, spanning five different time zones. Despite the challenges of late or early hours, everyone was fully engaged and committed to generating ideas that would improve their processes and allow them to focus on more complex activities. Cristina highlights the collective effort and enthusiasm displayed as the most remarkable aspects of this program. The initiative demonstrated the power of unity and the effectiveness of leadership in promoting its importance. The openness of people to embrace change and their dedication to learning were truly impressive.

Mentorship plays a vital role in fostering the next generation of women leaders, according to Cristina. She believes mentorship is about sharing experiences, offering guidance, and providing insights that help aspiring leaders navigate their careers. Cristina often reflects on how she can support others as she has been supported, knowing that mentorship fosters confidence and equips women to reach their full potential. She emphasizes that effective mentorship is not about creating someone in your own image but giving them the space to develop their unique identity. Cristina has benefited greatly from her mentors and feels a strong responsibility to pay it forward. By mentoring others, she helps them discover their strengths, build resilience, and contribute to a more diverse and innovative leadership landscape.

Staying agile and adaptable in an ever-changing market landscape is a priority for Cristina. She believes in continuous learning and staying updated on industry trends and new technologies. This approach helps her and her team stay flexible and ready to adapt. Cristina encourages a culture of embracing change, which keeps them resilient and open to new ideas. For her, agility means being willing to pivot when necessary and always being ready to explore new possibilities. By staying curious and adaptable, Cristina effectively navigates the ever-changing market landscape.

“Technology is the tool, but people are the power.”

Cristina hopes to leave a legacy of innovation, empowerment, and positive change. She often reflects on whether her work is making a lasting impact. As a woman leader, she strives to pave the way for future generations to lead with confidence and authenticity. Cristina’s goal is to foster a more inclusive and innovative industry, making a lasting impact that goes beyond technology. Throughout her career, she wants to be remembered for inspiring others to continue forward. As she often says, “Our legacy is not what we leave behind, but what we inspire in others to continue forward.” This encapsulates her vision perfectly, emphasizing that legacy is about instilling something in people, not just leaving something for them.

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